A flash poetry writing post composed for December, inspired by the photo prompt; above, and written as an acrostic.

 This Place I know

What a familiar view! This place I know. Do you?
Early evening silhouetting, orangey-pink sun is setting,
Lights sparkling, on show, the whole town a warm glow,
Coming alive, so strong, night-time liquor and happy song,
Overcrowded bars with laughter, echoing over rippling lake water,
Make a trip to the other side; a joyful starlit boat ride.
Excursion, you can keep! Not across still dark-water, so deep.

To sit under canvas up so high, looking down with all-seeing eye,
Over the vibrant town I am watching, waiting, procrastinating.

Mountainous evening hideout, or holiday trip gadabout?
Yet neither adventure is practicable, comfortable, or reasonable.

With self-admonished isolation, my cerebral hill and valley location,
Offset planted mind above matter, away from reality and chatter,
Reclining in a doubting position, of unfocused intention,
Left to my own devices, deeper become uncontrollable rifts and vices.
Do they see me? Do they care? Better sited exclusively way up here!

159 Words

Edited from an Original Post on:

Scribblers Forum Thread – Flash Poesy 108 – This Place I Know [Photo Prompt]