Following on from Dylan Thomas’s birthday on 14th May, below is a piece of Flash Poesy (in Thomas motif) starting with the first line of his Fern Hill poem “Now as I was young and…”.

As seen here…


Oh, God

Now as I was young and fresh with belief,
Creator of land with riches bountiful and scarce,
Moulder of dough strata of silts and rock stacked as pancakes,
Former of water, clear as glass, elixir to life,
Air invisible, yet brother wind gives lush green swathes of vegetation movement,
Beautiful bright weeds to majestic kings of the forest.

Symbiotic home to every beast I invented,
All six strands of the glorious animal kingdom:
Amphibious mixers,
Ornithologists’ stimulus,
Colourful aquatic explorers,
Leathery reptilian stalkers,
Mammalian siblings,
And the invertebrates.
Oh, the spineless invertebrates, more numerous than the grains of sand.

Now as I am older and blessed with wisdom,
Standing back behind the audience of men and women,
It is the dominant mankind effect that’s affected the planet,
My naïvety,
Leaving an intelligent human species sole custodian,
A global ecosystem, balanced like a yin yang seesaw,
Now tipping like a pantechnicon of household rubbish.